Advocates & Solicitors, Notary Public, Commissioner for Oaths.
"Ius est ars boni et aequi" - The law is the art of goodness and equity
Successfully represented a landlord in his claim and counterclaim against a well-known property leasing company.
Represented a Medical Practitioner in a High Court trial accused of raping a female patient. The accused was subsequently acquitted of all charges in the Singapore Court of Appeal
Public Prosecutor v Wee Teong Boo [2019] SGHC 198 (Click here to view)
Represented the Management Corporation Strata Title Plan (“MCST”) on behalf of the Subsidiary Proprietors in a bifurcated trial against the developer and main contractor with regards to the inherent defects in the building at Northstar @ AMK. Both the MCST and the developer went on appeal where the MCST was successful in increasing its claim against the developer. The matter is still ongoing
Orion-One Development Pte Ltd (in liquidation) v Management Corporation Strata Title Plan No 3556 (suing on behalf of itself and all subsidiary proprietors of Northstar @ AMK) [2019] SGCA 66
Represented a groomsman who had been accused of sexually assaulting a bride on the night of the wedding. (Click here to view)
Represented a man who flashed and poked a woman with his private part in MRT. (Click here to view)
Acted in the Magistrate’s Appeal of an owner and director of an oil trading company who was accused of corruptly offering to give gratification to officers of the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency as an inducement for the said officers to detail a vessel.
Public Prosecutor v Tan Kok Ming, Michael [2019] SGHC 207 (Click here to view)
Represented an ex-Police NSF who had performed sexual offences on minors and taken upskirt videos of several females. (Click here to view)
Represented a young British National, a resident DJ in Zouk Singapore, who had committed drug offences after his first conviction and later while on bail.
Public Prosecutor v Yuen Ye Ming [2018] SGDC 229 (Click here to view)
Represented a tipper truck driver in a fatal accident in which he did not notice a pedestrian crossing and hit an elderly cyclist. (Click here to view)
Represented the Plaintiff in a Court of Appeal claim against a Real Estate Agency on the principles of agency, negligence and vicarious liability for the misappropriation of monies by its employee.
Rohini d/o Balasubramaniam v HSR International Realtors Pte Ltd [2018] SGCA 37 (Click here to view)
Represented a NTU professor in shoplifting offences. He was subsequently sentenced to an 18-month mandatory treatment order. (Click here to view)
Represented a man who wrongfully restrained and molested a 14-year old girl and another teen.
Advised a Singapore-incorporated oil company on whether its businesses were in breach of United Nations Security Council Sanctions (UNSC) against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).
Represented a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner from Taiwan on allegations of outrage of modesty and conducted interviews of expert witnesses in Taiwan.
Public Prosecutor v Koh Nai Hock [2016] SDGC 48 (Click here to view)
Represented an Indian National who became a Hong Kong citizen in an extradition order to India for murder charges in India.
In the Matter of Kumar Krishna Pillai [2016] SGDC 107; EXT-90000-2016 (Click here to view)
Represented an Estonian in a matter where he was accused of possessing property which was derived directly from another person’s benefits from criminal conduct.
Acted for a Defendant in a breach of contract involving digital forensics.
Appointed by LASCO to represent a Malaysian citizen in the capital offence of drug trafficking.
Public Prosecutor v Pannir Selvam Pranthaman [2017] SGHC 144
Acted in the Magistrate’s Appeal in a local shipping company’s alleged breach of United Nations Security Council Sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic against North Korea (DPRK), and for carrying on a remittance business without a valid license.
Chinpo Shipping Co (Pte) Ltd v Public Prosecutor [2017] 4 SLR 983
Represented a former Director in his defence against his former Company arising from a corporate dispute concerning unlawful restitution.
Represented a Russian National charged with making a bomb threat on board Singapore Airlines flight from Moscow to Singapore. The charge was eventually withdrawn. (Click here to view)
Represented a Professional Engineer in the matter concerning a scaffolding collapse at Bugis MRT Station which resulted in the hospitalisation of 8 and the death of 2 individuals. (Click here to view)
Represented a Company incorporated in the Republic of Seychelles to claim sums payable under a contractual agreement and contested the Defendant’s right to set-off the sums owed.
Represented the Assistant Vice-President/Manager of a bank in a case involving corrupt loans to bank customers.
Public Prosecutor v Wong Teck Long [2005] SGDC 44
Represented the financial manager of Asia Pacific Breweries involved in 46 charges in one of Singapore’s biggest commercial fraud cases.
Public Prosecutor v Chia Teck Leng [2004] SGHC 68 (Click here to view)
Represented the Director of Coastal Bunkering Services (“CBS”) in a 36-day trial who had been accused of being involved in a conspiracy to corruptly pay gratification to marine surveyors as a reward for falsely certifying that CBS had supplied the correct quantity and quality of marine oil to its customers’ vessels.
Public Prosecutor v Lim Teck Chye [2004] SGDC 14
2002 - 04
Represented a member of the Royal Family of the Kingdom of Cambodia in a successful civil litigation in libel and defamation in Bangkok against the Bangkok Post.
Represented an ex-director of Singapore History Museum for taking a loan from the man who gained from a tender he had recommended at the Museum.
Appointed by the Supreme Court to defend a British National serial killer who was charged for the murder of a South African National in Singapore. This case attracted publicity around the world and remains as one of the most grisly trials ever heard in Singapore.
Public Prosecutor v John Martin Scripps (1996) (Click here to view)
Represented the Greek captain of a Thai-registered crude-oil tanker Orapin Global in a case of criminal negligence where the vessel had collided with Cyprus-registered tanker Evoikos while navigating in Singapore waters and resulting in one of the biggest oil pollution cases in Singapore.
Public Prosecutor v Jan Sokolowski (1996) (Click here to view)
Represented an Australian international footballer labelled as “the Singapore Beckham” in a widely published criminal case where he was accused of match-fixing.
Public Prosecutor v Abbas Saad, District Arrest Case No 6962 of 1995
Represented Jojo Sinclair, the first Asian woman, to win World Body Building Championships in an IBBF hearing in Montreal, Canada, due to an allegation that she had consumed prohibited drugs at the World Championships in Vienna, Austria.
Successfully defended World Body Building Champion and first Singaporean to clinch the title of Mr Universe, Azman Abdullah, on a false evidence charge. He was acquitted of the charge.
Successfully represented the plaintiff in his claim against the Singapore Democratic Party for wrongful expulsion and for consequential reliefs.
Chiam See Tong v Singapore Democratic Party [1993] 3 SLR(R) 774; [1993] SGHC 294
Appointed by the Supreme Court to defend a Dutch National in drug trafficking charge(s).
Public Prosecutor v Johannes Van Damme [1993] SGHC 90
Involved in a high-profile case concerning the suspension of a National Athlete, which raised issues of administrative law in the context of sports tribunal hearings.
Singapore Amateur Athletics Association v Haron Bin Mundir [1993] 3 SLR(R) 407
Represented the appellant in a murder charge where there was a rare knife wound inflicted to the foramen magnum of the deceased, causing a fatal injury.
Tan Cheow Bock v Public Prosecutor [1991] 3 MLJ 404